Friday, October 22, 2010

Things Nathan teaches Noah

To say Noah idolizes his big brother is probably an understatement but I don't know of any stronger language to convey how much this little boy loves his big brother NATE. He has his own way of saying it which just melts my heart. He always says it with enthusiasm that comes from deep within his heart - NATE!!!

So Nathan is often nice enough (without prodding even) to oblige the little one.

Noah with his little people book and Nathan with his Wimpy Kid book cuddled together in perfect harmony.

Nathan smiling because he really does enjoy being emulated and Noah thinking he is quite the big boy.

And then of course comes the "teaching" of the don't let mom get a good picture, put your hand up like this so we can ruin her moment.

Do the arm farts and burping lessons come next??

Oh well, at least I have these little moments to hold on to.

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