Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tag! You're it!

Okay, I have been tagged and namely called out (thanks Maggie) so I guess I have to respond. That is what you get for stalking a new blog (btw, she is very funny). I am also fairly new to the blog thing and am still trying to figure things out. I don't know how to list my favorite sites or blogs I read or even post an album of my scrapbook or crafty things but I do know how to post.

So, I am answering the call of five interesting little known facts about it goes...

Five (somewhat) Interesting Little-Known Facts about Cathy:

1. I have an un-natural obsession with ribbon (okay, that is not so little known). I seem to have to include it in every hand made card, invitation, Christmas card or announcement. It just doesn't look right to me without ribbon.

2. I have been called a good cook but can not cook without a recipe. I think this comes from my OCD analysis paralysis personality trait. (also not so little known).

3. There was a time when I wanted to be a forensic pathologist. Therefore I am very happy with all of the CSI shows on TV.

4. I still dream of becoming a professional soccer player.

5. One of my favorite jobs was as a teenager taking orders for Round Table Pizza. You would not believe the stuff that goes on in a call center for taking pizza orders.

I know, not so interesting but at least I did it. Okay, do I have any takers to list five interesting little-known things about themselves in their blogs (Dusti, Annie, Donna???) I think at least five people read my blog. So now you're it! Thanks for playing.

Project 365 - Day 30

He can do it! I was driving the kids around running errands and I hear a familiar and distinctive noise. Noah pulled on his little bug car seat friend. There is no mistaking that jiggle noise of the bug crawling back up into position with the little rattle that is inside his tummy. Just another milestone for my baby. I have a particular fondness for this little bug from Nathan and Laura so I know I am overly sentimental about these things but it was really cute to actually see him do it.

Project 365 - Day 29

It really does scare me, how much Nathan is like me sometimes. He wanted to color and work in his workbooks before school and so I got everything out for him. He soon proudly announces 'Look mom, I'm all organized." He had everything in place all set up for himself and he was just sooo happy. I remember doing the same exact thing when I was little - okay I think I still do this when I am scrapping or working on a craft project come to think of it. He just likes things the way he likes them, oh my son, how I can relate and how I love your little OCD mind!

Project 365 - Day 28

I think the thing I hate most about having kids is the ENORMOUS amounts of laundry they produce. I honestly can't believe how much of my time is devoted to this obscene task (along with the dreaded dishes). I think this was like 7 loads done with 5 more waiting for me. I just can't believe it, so I had to take a picture of me still folding at 11:30 at night.

Project 365 - Day 27

While I was busy trying to get ahead of the laundry and cleaning of the house on top of tackling another craft/invitation project my mom came over to keep the kids busy. I tried to think of something fun for Laura to do and whipped out the cake mix and frosting. She has so much fun cooking. I think a cute new ruffley apron is in her future.

Project 365 - Day 26

This was a kick in the pants day - Chinese New Year. Nathan had so much fun at kindergarten, they did all kinds of fun things. He brought home this lovely mask, that Laura had to play with, but his favorite was the little hat. We spent the rest of the day trying to figure out which year all of our loved ones were born in.

Project 365 - Day 25

Such a sweet little baby. I can't believe how fast he is growing. He fell asleep in Daddy's arms and I just couldn't resist the shot. I got a really good close up of their hands too. No doubt that will inevitably become a scrapbook page.

Project 365 - Day 24

Ah, I am making soup again! Mike has said that he could have soup every day and be happy and apparently I am trying to make my husband happy because I have been making all kinds of soup. This one looked interesting to me - golden spilt peas. I have never even heard of golden split peas and hoped they would be tastier than green split peas - ah to no avail. The soup turned out to be the same ol mushy pea taste I remember from my childhood, but hey Mike liked it and he got to go to Whole Foods to get them because I couldn't find them anywhere else. He had a nice little exchange with the cashier with nods of 'let me guess, you couldn't find these anywhere else, right?"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! I was born in the year of the Tiger and I thought it would be fun to look up my overview, so here it is...

From the outset, 2009 may present some true challenges for the Tiger. The year of the Ox presents an overwhelming influence upon the Tiger to maintain a steady and well disciplined pace. That is not to say that there won't be opportunities for achievement, but it would be more precise to say that this is a year that would benefit the Tiger in the areas of experience and possibly lay a solid foundation for the year to come. You will have to be resourceful and rely on your boldness and quick wit to ascertain anything in the year of the Ox.

Cathy's translation: Boy (read crap), I am in for quite a year. I guess my thinking on the whole get my life straight and be organized is aligned with the cosmos or whatever. So, here is to my laying a solid foundation and staying well disciplined (it has gone so well for the previous 34 years). As for the quick wit to ascertain anything in the year of the Ox - I am in serious trouble people! Just in case you are curious I found my little exploration of knowledge here:

I hope you all have a great day and your overview is more promising than mine!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Project 365 - Day 23

Not sure which photo I will use as the first one was with my camera phone - ugh! Today was just an ordinary day. I worked in Nathan's classroom, I went to the local SB store to get supplies to work on my new sister in law's bridal shower invitations and then I got my haircut. Laura got her first big girl haircut at the salon too. I was just having some issues taking her to the kid place because her hair is so curly and hard to cut I thought it was time to bring in the professionals. I am pretty sure it will be a late night since she is sleeping at 7:25pm but we shall see. And yes, that is a tootsie roll lollipop that I had to pry out of her little sleeping hand before I brought her in the house and no she did not let go easily!

Project 365 - Day 22

Sleep, please sleep. Taken at 11:25pm. The previous night I think I got about 3 hours of sleep total for the night. I was trying to catch up on my tivo'd shows as we didn't have any more room to record anything (I have been lobbying for a new tivo with more recording power). I was up until 1am trying to watch stuff and deal with little Laura who took a late nap and couldn't seem to stay asleep. Then after feeding Noah at 1:30am and still dealing with trying to get Laura to stay asleep, Nathan comes in with a bad dream and can't sleep. Fast forward to 3:30am and they are sleeping finally only to wake up at 6am (very unusual for my kiddos). I didn't actually get out of bed until around 7:30am but when I found them sleeping on day 22 I thought I would take a picture to remind myself, if nothing else, that they do sleep.

Look Ma! It's Panties!

Just another everyday moment in the mind of a child. Laura was eating lunch and suddenly announces 'Look mommy, it's panties!' I laughed and then bolted for my camera. Just a funny little moment. Now if she would be just as excited to actually wear REAL panties my life would be complete! I am sooo tired of changing two kids in diapers. As a side note, at Noah's doctor's appointment she was talking to the doctor and explained that she will not wear diapers anymore when she is four. Okay then now it is settled, at least I have a date, mind you that is 14 months away but hey at least she is thinking about it right?!!??

A New Superhero in Town

I am loving the benefits of Project 365. I almost always have my camera near by to capture things and this moment is just one of the daily things that go on when you have imaginative kids. Nathan has played dress up and make believe for as long as I can remember. This was after dinner and he was bouncing off the walls and saw Mike's glasses near by and announced he was a new superhero called 'Glasses Man' with the power to see and he has a pen that shoots and clicking away on the pen did he go. That's it, that was the moment but now with this project I am forcing myself to take advantage of these precious childhood moments. So grateful for the experience and my kids.

Soccer Jammies

Nathan and Noah got these jammies from Grandma Alma for christmas. Nathan was so excited that they were soccer and that Noah had some that matched. He felt so proud. My camera is doing some weird things so I am having trouble getting things focused and clear so hopefully I will get some better pics the next time they wear them. Poor little Laura wanted to be in the picture so badly and I just chuckle at Nathan's expression of not wanting to have anything to do with her - so happy and sweet in one pic and sooo unhappy in the next.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Project 365 - Day 21

He did it! Noah rolled over this morning! He looked so confused and hasn't done it since but hey, Nathan did the same thing (rolled over and then didnt' do it again for a month). I totally thought he was going to sit up though - he stuck his arm up and out and lifted his chest like he was going to sit up but then turned and rolled over. He is just bringing so much joy and love to us. Even though having three kids is a lot different and more work than two I can't imagine life without our little big man.

Project 365 - Day 20

While we had dinners from Tahoe to last a few days I had some stuff I needed to use before it went bad. This was a very yummy dinner. A deconstructed lasagna from Rachel Ray's magazine.

Project 365 - Day 19

I swear I don't know how it happens. We came home Monday with more than we took. I can't believe as I am posting this it is Friday and I still don't have everything put away or the laundry done. Ugh! We did have a good time though.

Project 365 - Day 18

Oh, isn't she cute!?! She was throwing snow at me while I was trying to get shots of the action. Man, that snow was hard too!

Project 365 - Day 17

It all started with 3 friends. Twenty something years, three marriages and eight kids later this is what Mike, Will and Chris have. The Tahoe thing after Christmas is on it's seventh installment and the kids really do have a blast getting together. The presents are fun, the snow is fun and the boys annual trip to the store to get milk usually brings some extra cash. I didn't get good pictures this year but I just thuoght all of them lined up was cute.

Project 365 - Day 16

Packed and ready to go on our annual Tahoe trip with the Zakas and Dobie families. This year we actually have less to pack because I decided to do our grocery shopping up there, I know we always bring too much!

Project 365 - Day 15

This one almost didn't make it in day 15 (taken at 11:06pm), I finally finished my sewing for our Tahoe trip. The pjs turned out pretty good (I think) and I can't wait to get a picture of all of us in them.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Project 365 - Day 14

This is Nathan finishing up his homework the morning before school. He has to complete some lessons after reading a 'Sunshine Book'. One of the lessons this week was trying to fill your pockets with as many things as you could. He proudly displayed his bounty. The other lesson was writing a letter to a grandpa and Nathan chose to draw a picture for Mike's dad Grandpa Tony. It was a picture of Nathan playing soccer with him. It was so cute, he even drew a uniform for each of them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project 365 - Day 13

I have been trying to remember to bring my camera everywhere with me because you never know when those everyday moments will arise. Today was Noah's 4 month checkup and I thought for sure he would be 17 pounds - turns out he is only 16 - I know - Wow! - he fills the whole scale up at 4 months old - that is exactly what I thought when I put him on there and then thought I have got to take a picture of this!

The good news is the doctor can't hear his heart murmur anymore, so I think he might have outgrown it. The bad news is that the poor little guy has a double ear infection. This is my first ear infection, Nathan and Laura have never had one. I was wondering why he was so cranky at night, waking up way too many times for me and now I know why. The doctor said they look pretty painful and lying down makes them worse and I wouldn't know unless he is cranky at night but I still feel like a bad mom thinking what is wrong with you, can't you just sleep. My poor sweet boy wasn't being a pain he was just in pain. He is still all smiles even after medicine and shots today.

Project 365 - Day 12

Happy Birthday to Daddy! The kids were so excited to sing to Mike. I feel really bad I did not attempt a fancy egg free dessert this year. My two failed attempts last year left me not so encouraged to try again. The poor guy got a cherry turnover, but they are one of his favorites so he was okay with it. I think he had a good day.

Project 365 - Day 11

We are getting ready for our annual Tahoe christmas trip with the Zakas and Dobie families and yes I am still working on my crafty sewing projects. Laura wanted to help me sew, so she removed the pins as I pushed the stuff through the machine. She was so cute saying that she wants to learn to sew so she can make me something. I have been talking about how she has been a challenge every day but there are moments when she just melts my heart with her sweet words. She is my biggest challenge right now but also brings big joy.

Project 365 - Day 9

The view over here. It was very late by the time I got my camera out for the day and I was sitting folding laundry and was just thinking about my view from where I was. It was so fun to see the kids playing and laughing. That is what I will remember, not the awful quality of the picture.

Project 365 - Day 10

The 10th of January had to be a Noah picture - it is his 4 month birthday afterall! I have a 4 month wall of Nathan and Laura that consists of each of them at 4 months in the same position. I thought it would be fun to see Noah in the same pose at the same age. The boys don't like tummy time as much as little Laura did!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Project 365 - Day 8

Here is Laura all dressed up in a dress to serve as flower girl in my brother's wedding in May. We needed to order the dress soon in order to get it in time for the wedding so we went for a girlie night and she had a blast. She loves the dress and the shoes. She ran all around the store and looked at herself in every mirror they had, she loved it. The dress will be in a different color but the style looks very cute on her - my new sister in law picked a great dress for my little Laura. I can't wait to see her all dressed up!

The girl in the hat

I have always loved hats and it looks like Laura has inherited this love as well. She loves to wear them and most of the time she insists on wearing them backwards (thanks to a day with daddy). I do love the way her little curls peek out of this one and the bright pink is a favorite of mine. I just think she is so sweet in this picture and with as hard as things have been with her lately I am holding on to this sweet picture. I do love you my little girl.

Hand me downs

I pulled more of Nathan's clothes out for Noah's drawers and am surprised at what fits him now at 4 months when Nathan was wearing them much later. I remember Nathan starting to crawl in this outfit and Noah isn't even rolling over yet. I can't wait until his 4 month appointment next week to see what the weigh in is. I think he might be close to 17 pounds! I just don't know how he is so much bigger than the other two but I have to say I do love the chunkiness of him. There is just more to love on! I am loving how he holds his little hands and is starting to grasp things. I am fasinated by them right now.

All bundled up...

So when I went to check on Mike, Nathan and Laura I thought I should be grabbing the camera and catching their leafy fun. I pulled the exersaucer out to put Noah in and bundled him up. I just love this hat. I can't tell you how many pictures I have of him in it, but every time I see him in it I just smile so big. There is something about the little pokey things that just makes me giggle! His eyes just sparkle in the blue and his sweet smile makes me melt.

"Mom, we're street cleaners!"

That is what Nathan announced as I went outside to check on them. Mike took down the christmas lights and then went to work on the leaves. He had little helpers then made a pile on the lawn for them to play in. They wanted to slide into the leaves and just had a blast. I just love this kind of weather waaaay more than the 106 degree summer stuff!