Wednesday, July 30, 2008

LEGO fun?

Can anyone guess what story THIS picture tells? May I be so bold as to point out that her left nostril is a little wider than the right? Yes, apparently Laura finds LEGO fun in putting a piece up her nose! After probably a year of legos in our house pretty much on a daily basis and no problems to speak of, never say never, because Laura decided now would be a good time to experiment. Please note the time of the picture is 9:36am (this will be important as the story goes along).

Let me set this up. I am at the computer trying to get some things done this morning, trying to hold down my honey nut cheerios and all of a sudden I hear a SCREAM - yes the one you know something is REALLY wrong, not just the 'oh no what is it this time' kind. I peek my head out and for the first time Nathan actually DOES look innocent. Laura proceeds to run to me and tell me she put a lego up her nose. Now, I am in total disbelief because I can not possibly have the kind of child who does this, right?! So, I ask her what color it is and she says orange. I ask what she was doing and she says she wanted to put a flower on her lego house.

Cut to waking Mike to a screaming child and a panicked mother's voice. Thankfully we were able to lodge the little orange circle from her nostril without a trip to the emergency room. I have to add that my theory about scrapbooking supplies being useful in any situation is reinforced once again. Note to scrap moms that the 'Making Memories' tweezers are good for dislodging legos from a child's nose.

So all the legos are then put in a box and put out of reach because she will not be allowed to play with them by herself. I go about my morning and try and get some more things done. I am back on the computer at noon and Laura is sitting nicely in the living room playing with her leapster. Then that scream again. I wonder what it could possibly be this time I am looking right at her. Sure enough Laura found a little pink lego this time and decided to put it up her right nostril. Now I am just plain MAD! I mean come on not even 3 hours earlier she is crying and saying she will NEVER do that again and here we are with another lego up her nose!?! This time I take her in the bathroom and just tell her to blow really hard - out flies the lego and she is much more affected by my anger than anything. (The time of this picure is 12:08pm)

Now, I am finishing up posting this on Friday because Wednesday night Laura came down with the stomach flu and has been really throwing up for two days. She seems to be getting better so I guess I will have to forgive the lego incidents to some sort of bizarre flu bug that affected her brain right?!? Oh well, just another day in the life right?

Monday, July 28, 2008

I love these pants!

I have been wanting to make these ruffle pants for quite some time but have not been able to figure out the pattern. I took them to Grandma Alma's for our monster marathon sewing day last month, but we didn't get them done. Grandma Alma was able to work her magic and finish them for me and she brought them to Nathan's party on Saturday. I tried them on her tonight and can I say OMG, she looks so gosh darn cute I want to make many more pairs of these cute pants! She didn't want to take them off so I think it is safe to say she loves them too! Thanks Grandma for making my obsession into a reality!

Mellow Yellow

This is not the greatest picture in the world (mom can't seem to take pictures away from the sun) but I had to tell the story, so whatta gonna do! This was at Nathan's birthday party on Saturday and I just wanted to point out the yellow shoes. My mom and dad got them for him a couple of days before and I can't even believe they actually have yell0w shoes and that I have been able to avoid them thus far! Yes, my son LOVES the color yellow, which is kinda funny considering I would NEVER wear it or own anything yellow. Yes, I would actually say I hated the color yellow until it became Nathan's favorite color. He assures me it is such a happy color and honestly I look at it totally different now. I choose to pick my battles and have managed to get it down to only 3 or 4 days of yellow clothing a week. If yellow is the worst thing he is into I think I am safe (at least for now - yellow hair would definitely be out of the question!) My favorite thing he said about the shoes is "Mom, these are so great, they will go with EVERYTHING I have. I love them!" You go boy, and if yellow makes you happy then I am happy!

Happy 5th Birthday Nathan!

I can't believe my baby is FIVE years old! He just seems so big now. I pulled a picture from a few days old and one from today and honestly I was surprised at all the similarities. I have been really reeling about him being five lately and starting kindergarten in a month but this picture just makes me feel like my baby isn't really all that long gone. I love how his little smirk and double chin and yellow outfit are all still there (more on that later). He is a sweet boy and I love his little spirit. He had a wonderful birthday party on Saturday and we were surrounded by loved ones. I don't think Nathan stopped smiling all day. He loved all of his legos and was really proud of the YELLOW house he and his daddy put together yesterday. He actually asked me to take a picture of it. Happy Birthday little man, Mommy loves you very much!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Father's Day book

I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the father's day book I made for Mike. I wanted to share because I thought the kids answers to my interview questions were really cute.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Value of...

These are the famous Value Tale books I had while growing up. The most famous part being I had to write a book report on 'The Value of Responsibility'. I have saved them all these years to do the exact same thing to my kids. I still will never forget that lesson (thanks Mom and Dad!). Nathan loves to read these at night. He especially loves when Mike reads them. Each book is a tale about a famous person in history with a character trait theme to them that that person in history exemplified.

Anyway, Nathan says a couple of weeks back "I wonder what my value tale will be when I grow up Mom? I think maybe patience because I am patient with Laura or maybe kindness because I am kind to my friends and family or maybe imgaination because I make up stories and movies or maybe helpful because I help you around the house." All the while I am about to burst into tears because I can't believe what I am hearing. How about 'sweetness' because I can't seem to think of anything sweeter! I love that he is thinking of these things and that these important lessons are already staying with him. I just can't believe how blessed I am some days to be a mom and get to experience moments like this. These are the moments that keep me going. I love your sweet soul son!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sew, Sew, Sew

These are the lego clips for the girls at Nathan's party next Saturday. They will be in goodie bags.

I have been trying to catch up on my burp cloths. For friends having babies and my own.
Since I am due in September, the thought of having a newborn at Christmas time is a little overwhelming. I know Christmas in July, how can I be thinking such a thing! I am trying to get all birthday and homemade Chirstmas presents done now so I am not overwhelmed come November/December with a newborn. I just thought these looked so pretty piled up. I am about half way done with the pjs but I just love this material (it is super soft flannel)! I am sure my family is getting a little tired of my crafting/sewing table in the living room but oh well, I sure to love my crafts!

Miss Dusti's Kitty Cat Cupcakes

We had a wonderful playdate with Miss Dusti, Kendal and Chase on Wednesday. Kendal and Nathan played legos and Chase and Laura played together. Dusti and I tried to make some sample practice lego cupcakes for Nathan's party next week. Dusti makes the most incredible cupcakes that look as good as they taste. The kids were thrilled to take these cute kitty cat cupcakes home. It is so nice to have such good friends.

This is what happens when...

...your kids see you puking one too many times. I am fascinated by the two year old mind once again. Nathan did this same puking thing when I was pregnant with Laura and now Laura is picking it up now that I am pregnant again. It seems every cough or scream or anything will turn her to the toilet these days, running to the bathroom, covering her mouth, saying 'mommy, i have to throw up'. A few spits in the bowl later and a flush makes her all better. It seems this is supposed to be some flattery thing or sympathy thing but I just don't see it. Thank goodness I only have a few more weeks!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sleeping Babe

I am officially obsessed with taking pictures of my kids sleeping! I just can't get enough of them it seems and wanted to share this one of Laura. She has to go to bed every night with a book. She may have already been read 3 or 4 stories but she still needs one to hold at night. She will even get out of her bed and pick some out. I will often go in to check on her and find books laid all around her. She just looked so cute with this one I had to snap it and share it! I love that both Nathan and Laura love books so much

Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's a GPS!

Since I shared a little clip of Nathan, I thought it would be nice to include this little clip of Laura explaining her 'GPS'. Now please don't ask me what she is saying because I can't understand it either. I just love how serious she is and how she is totally into what she is talking about. These are the everyday things that make me happy and she just seems so big right now to me, she is growing up too fast.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nathan and his LEGO creation...

I just had to share this little clip of Nathan and his LEGO creation. He is very excited about his LEGO birthday party coming up this month and gets really into building what he calls 'creations'. His DETAILED imagination amazes me and Mike and I think I will have to try really hard to get all of his descriptions on video from now on! I just love the way this little boy thinks!

The Birthday Invite!

Well, I finally got Nathan's 5th birthday invitation done (with only three weeks until his birthday party, I was getting really stressed). It didn't come out the way I had envisioned it in my head but he really likes it and had a lot of fun putting them together. It was even his idea to have 'celebrate' on the front. I found myself rushing to the post office on Thursday 10 minutes to 5pm trying to get them in the mail, only to remember on my way there that the post office would be closed on Friday and Saturday for the fourth of July holiday - oh well at least they are on the way and out of the house. I think 99% of the invitees know about the party and were just waiting on my crazy invites to come in the mail with the exact details. He is really looking forward to having a LEGO pary and mommy is just thankful for a break from the CARS movie theme!

Pregnant Together!

This is my oldest, dearest and truest friend Cristina. We went to high school in the bay area together and can you believe we are pregnant at the same time?! We are due 2 weeks apart and I just love that we were able to get together last week and catch up. It had been waaaay toooo loooong since we were able to spend time together. She looks fabulous and while the picture isn't the greatest I am glad we have this memory to savor! She is a wonderful special person and I couldn't be happier for her and her husband Ricardo! I am looking forward to getting together soon so we can take more pictures and then introducing our little boys to each other - that's right, she is having a boy too! How fun!